Survivors Unite! (Chat 7)

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What happens when a Rape Survivor
collaborates with an Abortion Survivor
as they strive for healing and recovery?

Hi, I'm Miriam. I was sexually molested and had an abortion in my teenage years.

Ms. Vulgar Buzz is an abortion survivor.

We have both had our share of trauma.

Our unlikely collaboration began when I discovered in 2023. I was intrigued because of my own experience. Read more about that in our fourth phone chat transcription here.  

My girlfriends and I developed "What Would Female Fetuses Say?" ( in September of 2024 as a result of pondering Ms. Vulgar Buzz's work for several months.

The Vulgar Buzz site disappeared in fall of 2023 and though we had tried to reach out to the site creator many times, she had covered her tracks well. We never connected. Until...

In December of 2024 we realized that '' domain was available and we immediately bought it and pointed it to one of our web pages (Who Wuzz Vulgar Buzz?).


Within 24 hours we had received an email from Ms. Vulgar Buzz herself. Read more about that here.

After exchanging a few emails we realized we needed to chat on the phone. We both agreed that it would be a good idea to record it, transcribe it and post it for all to see. We posted our first conversation here and below you will see our seventh conversation.

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Miriam and Buzz Have Their Seventh Chat on the Phone

In this chat, Buzz and Miriam discuss having a presence on Facebook and what it takes to express real trauma and emotional distress versus the ever present virtue signaling and banal incendiary idiocy found on social media.

(This chat was recorded and transcribed on February 20, 2025.)

Buzz: Good morning Miriam!

Miriam: Good afternoon my friend.

Buzz: Hoping you are well…

Miriam: Yes we are, thanks! …actually, knock on wood, all the kids are in school and relatively healthy, my husband is better too and I’m getting over my last cold. Quite a snap of winter we are having here. You doing ok there in North Dublin?

Buzz: Yes, just rainy and chilly, typical winter stuff here. Weathering it ok though, that is what rain gear is for.

Miriam: So I assume you see we took the Facebook plunge


Facebook suspended our account on 2/21/25. They don't allow anonymous accounts. Like we said above, no big loss. If it is meant to be, we'll find other outlets that allow anonymity. We leave it in God's hands.

This chat still clarifies our intent quite well and as such will be left intact here.

Buzz: Yes, I was wondering if you ladies were considering that ever… tell me about it.

Miriam: Well, we’ve resisted it up until now because we just haven’t seen it as worth our time. I mean, you know, there’s a tremendous amount of nonsense going on in Facebook. Mostly virtue signaling…

Buzz: God yes, gag me!!…. I can’t stand it and rarely go on there for that very reason. I like it to see pictures of my family that get posted there sometimes… but we’ve taken to having a more private way of doing that with our shared phone photo albums and text threads… so other than that I just can’t see the point in spending a lot of time there… it just pisses me off…

Miriam: Exactly. Well, we decided it would be worth it to have a limited presence there in the end. We worked out the anonymity kinks with our Internet guardian who lives in the US midwest. It isn’t foolproof, but it is adequate….

Buzz: I’m glad you’ve taken those steps… Sooo… what do you hope to accomplish on Facebook.

Miriam: We aren’t sure, other than just getting the words of hope out there through our chats and of course exposing the sophistry as usual. You just never know what might speak to someone…

Buzz: I’m wondering if Facebook will even allow you to stay on if you post any VBOs… I mean, don’t they have anti-vulgarity rules there?

Miriam: Yes, we thought about that and we decided we won’t post any of the VBO’s… I mean, others may find them and post them, but we won’t… we will focus more on our friendship with you and our recovering from trauma and the WWFFS images I guess and see what happens. No huge disappointment if they kick us off…

Buzz: That brings up another point of concern… are you guys backing up your web pages in some way? I mean, you know…. you’re hosted by Google which may just kick you out as well…

Miriam: Our Internet guardian is doing that in an adequate fashion… he says we can rebuild it somewhere else if it comes down to that… there are places on the Internet where free speech is tolerated more than Google…. So he says anyway… I’m not very knowledgeable about that kind of stuff…

Buzz: Me either… so let’s revisit the theme of our last chat, ok?

Miriam: Ok…

Buzz: Well, since we are now on Facebook, I was thinking that most people there might just see our memes as just so much more virtue signaling and incendiary idiocy…

Miriam: People tend to take memes at face value on Facebook for sure…

Buzz: Facebook is so volatile… <sigh of frustration>…

Miriam: Agreed. Well, maybe at least here in this chat we can once again clarify our intent, just for the record. Maybe you’d care to explain what makes your VBOs a little bit different than the knee jerk virtue signaling and incendiary idiocy that is seemingly built into the fabric of Facebook.

Buzz: Well, I guess it’s worth another go…

Miriam: So first of all, your memes were generated at the suggestion of your therapist to help you work through the grief, trauma and rage you were feeling in the months after you found out you were actually aborted by your mother. You were instructed to ‘get it out of your system’ using your graphic design skills, right?

Buzz: True.

Miriam: And soooo… you climbed into the mindset of yourself as a fully cognizant fetus with adequate vocabulary and thorough knowledge of all abortion procedures, right?

Buzz: Also true.

Miriam: You then simply imagined overhearing your mother chatting with a friend about aborting you because of the situation she was in… and …

THAT put me in the frame of mind to express the alarm, desperation and rage that comes out in the memes I made… I now am pleading, arguing for my right to simply be allowed to go on living from every angle possible…

Buzz: Aaand… THAT put me in the frame of mind to express the alarm, desperation and rage that comes out in the memes I made… I now am pleading, arguing for my right to simply be allowed to go on living from every angle possible…

Miriam: Right… not just wrestling with your mother’s misguided thinking, but the various misguided thoughts and utterances of any pregnant woman that may have been led to think that it is ok to disregard the human growing inside them… to not even consider that if they had a voice … what they might say…

Buzz: Exactly, and it isn’t pretty or calm or nice… it is incredulous and angry and desperate to be heard in the most forceful way possible… my first VBO was just expressing that angle… like, HEEEY!!! I’M RIGHT HERE AND I CAN HEAR WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT!!!!

Miriam: Can you send me that one?

Buzz: Sure, just a sec… I never included it on the original website… <text swoosh>…

Miriam: Mind if I have this embedded here in our chat?

Buzz: Not at all… that is the first meme I ever made... 

Miriam: Really?

Buzz: Really really...

Miriam: I guess it needs explanation and context... like we just gave it... it isn't quite stand alone, right?

Buzz: Yup, that's why I never put it on the original website. (Find it here in our Diaper Change Section.)

Miriam: That makes sense.... so clearly your intent is to display your emotional trauma at the impending horror of the physical trauma that seems to be your doom and the very real and heartbreaking sadness at not even being considered in your mother’s decision making process…

Buzz: And I protest as loudly as I can with the most ‘punch you in the face words’ I can find…. and trust me, we are famous for them here in Ireland… perhaps it is that Celtic temperament with its tendency to raw and immediate emotion… coming out sidewise… I don’t know…

Miriam: You Irish are famous for your salty language, at least in the films of the last several decades that comes out strong…

I am a direly threatened, cornered and frightened human desperately trying to be heard… literally fighting for my life…

Buzz: That depiction isn’t all that wrong… but I digress… I think it is obvious in our discussion here that whatever it is that I’m communicating as myself in utero.. it isn’t just virtue signaling or banal incendiary idiocy… NO… I am a direly threatened, cornered and frightened human desperately trying to be heard… literally fighting for my life…

Miriam: Precisely… and Buzz… you’ve captured that quite effectively… that raw struggle to merely survive … it is palpable in your memes… by the way… you know…. I don’t tone down the vulgarity in your memes with my WWFFS images to invalidate your trauma in any way…

Buzz: No, I totally get that, some people have a visceral reaction to vulgarity and cannot even look past it to see what is being communicated… you and your girlfriends have done an amazing job at making the VBOs more accessible to those gentle souls.

Miriam: Thanks Buzz, I hope they retain sufficient emotional force to still get the truth through…

Buzz: I believe they will, we leave it in God’s hands to coordinate all that, right?

Miriam: Right! And leave also in his hands whether or not we get censored here or on Facebook, yeah?

Buzz: Completely… I don’t have the time or energy to worry about that, I just pray the messages get out to the exact people he wants to receive them.

Miriam: Yes, and I think that is a good note to end on… my research is calling me!

Buzz: Get to it then my friend, until next time…

Miriam: B-bye!


Facebook suspended our account on 2/21/25. They don't allow anonymous accounts. Like we said above, no big loss. If it is meant to be, we'll find other outlets that allow anonymity. We leave it in God's hands.

The chat above still clarifies our intent quite well and as such will be left intact here.

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Want to Spread these Words of Hope and Healing?

Our friend and guardian created this business card that leads directly to our phone chats. Feel free to print up and distribute as many as you'd like! Pretty cool fan art I'd say!

This is what the business card front and back
look like. Use the link below to get the file your
local print shop will need to make these cards.

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