Survivors Unite! (Chat 3)

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What happens when a Rape Survivor
collaborates with an Abortion Survivor
as they strive for healing and recovery?

Hi, I'm Miriam. I was sexually molested and had an abortion in my teenage years.

Ms. Vulgar Buzz is an abortion survivor.

We have both had our share of trauma.

Our unlikely collaboration began when I discovered in 2023. I was intrigued because of my own experience. Read more about that here

My girlfriends and I developed "What Would Female Fetuses Say?" ( in September of 2024 as a result of pondering Ms. Vulgar Buzz's work for several months.

The Vulgar Buzz site disappeared in fall of 2023 and though we had tried to reach out to the site creator many times, she had covered her tracks well. We never connected. Until...

In December of 2024 we realized that '' domain was available and we immediately bought it and pointed it to one of our web pages (Who Wuzz Vulgar Buzz?).


Within 24 hours we had received an email from Ms. Vulgar Buzz herself. Read more about that here.

After exchanging a few emails we realized we needed to chat on the phone. We both agreed that it would be a good idea to record it, transcribe it and post it for all to see. We posted our first conversation here and below you will see our third conversation.

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Miriam and Buzz Have Their Third Chat on the Phone

In this chat we cover the recent uptick in mass murders, VBO image 34 on Perspective and our first printed mass distribution of WWFFS meme cards.

(Recorded and transcribed January 5, 2025)

Buzz: Hello Miriam!

Miriam: Hello Buzz! Hey, thanks for sending me that meme about getting perspective.

Buzz: Yeah, I thought that after what happened in New Orleans on New Years it seemed appropriate.

Miriam: But you made that meme over a year ago…

Buzz: Right, July 14, 2023 from the date on the meme… those are pretty accurate dates of their creation by the way.

Miriam: Good to know… mine are more or less that way too… I created them in batches but mostly in the order and near the dates on the memes… but I’ll probably just make them sequentially follow from here on out as you send me your old material.

Buzz: That makes sense and is less confusing I think.

Miriam: So, July 2023, what prompted you to go into contrasting the abortion stats with other violent killing stats?

Buzz: Well, my girlfriends and I were chatting about the increasing prevalence of mass murders by different means… mostly by gun and by using vehicles to plow into crowds of people… I mean, we Irish would just bomb each other’s restaurants like decent folks always should, right?

Miriam: Referring to “The Troubles” right?

Buzz: Right, equally morbid of course. But those acts blur into acts of war I guess, and we covered that in our last chat toward the end.

Miriam: Yes, we got cut off on a rather dismal note.

Buzz: Yeah, let’s try not to let that happen again, ok?

Miriam: Cross my heart…

Buzz: So, we were talking about these and then we started looking up statistics and we were shocked at what we found.

Miriam: You mean the drastic contrast in numbers…

"...the whole planet obsessing over less than 2% of the violent killings in the world while ignoring the 98%."

Buzz: Yes, we knew it was a huge disparity but not that huge. I mean, here is the whole planet obsessing over less than 2% of the violent killings in the world while ignoring the 98%.

Miriam: I noticed you again restricted your focus to female fetuses…

Buzz: Right, 200,000 fetuses aborted daily, of course more than half of those are female fetuses because of the desire for male offspring prevalent in many countries. We decided not to go there as we’ve covered that in another meme.

Miriam: Yes, ‘Most Targeted Females’ was the title we gave it.

Buzz: Rightly so… anyway, we decided a firm wake-up slap was needed to gain at least a shred of perspective. We realized from our research that violent killing of other humans has never happened on this scale in the history of mankind. I suppose you can attest to that as a doctoral candidate in historical studies.

Miriam: Yes, if our records down through the millennia are even remotely accurate, nothing in our sad history even comes close to 73 million violently imposed deaths per year. Even the highest estimates of the Nazi regime’s violent targeted killing of Jews and other undesirables (35 million over a span of several years) doesn’t come close.

Buzz: Yes, and that is remarkable… even though pro choice folks recoil at being compared to that regrettable group, they are clearly many times worse if sheer numbers of violently imposed deaths upon innocent humans is the criteria. They should actually be grateful for such relatively mild comparisons. What they promote and successfully execute annually is ludicrously worse than anything the Nazi’s ever dreamed of doing.

"I believe there is causation between our flippant attitudes toward killing unborn humans and the disregard for human life indicated by the increase in mass murders over the last few decades."

And this brings us back to the uptick in mass murders by gun, vehicle, bombs, etc. I believe there is causation between our flippant attitudes toward killing unborn humans and the disregard for human life indicated by the increase in mass murders over the last few decades.

Miriam: I agree completely, though that would be difficult to prove in any sort of scientifically accepted manner. My gut twists just thinking about it though. It rings true no matter what statistics might be trotted out to contradict it.

This blatantly flippant attitude towards the value of human life is in the air we breathe and we don’t even notice. It is like a foul fish bowl we’re all swimming in and it reeks of the culture of death spoken about by people of faith.

Buzz: Agreed.

Miriam: So my time is running short here Buzz and I promised we’d end on a positive note this time. I’ve got some good news to share.

Buzz: Fire away!

Miriam: Well you know how I’ve shared the files to have our WWFFS meme cards mass produced by professional printers?

Buzz: Yes, brilliant move my friend!

Miriam: Thanks! Well, someone going by the name of John Dean has used those files to produce over 50 complete sets of cards and he has sent them to each of the 50 US states’ most prominent pro-life groups. He also picked a few countries abroad to mail them to… hey, did you know that the Netherlands hits our site more than the US?!

What?! Really!?

Miriam: Yup!

Buzz: Well that is all really good news. And I noticed that the site is averaging more than 200 hits per day now. These might be tiny seeds, but they are being sown at least. Who knows what this might grow into?

Miriam: We’ll leave that in God’s hands. Well, I’ve got family matters to attend to here. Buzz, it’s always a pleasure chatting with you!

Buzz: A mutual feeling for sure, Miriam. Until next time…

Miriam: B-bye!

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Want to Spread these Words of Hope and Healing?

Our friend and guardian created this business card that leads directly to our phone chats. Feel free to print up and distribute as many as you'd like! Pretty cool fan art I'd say!

This is what the business card front and back
look like. Use the link below to get the file your
local print shop will need to make these cards.

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