Friday, September 20, 2024

Diaper Change #0 - HELLO!?!?

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #0 aka WWMSU #0)

As we found out in Buzz and Miriam's 7th Phone Chat, this was the first meme Buzz made. She never posted it on her original site because it lacked context and couldn't stand alone without explanation. Per her therapist's recommendation she began to use her graphic design skills to process her trauma at finding out she was a survivor of abortion.  To do this she started thinking what it would be like if she were fully cognizant in utero, had an adequate and salty vocabulary, understood everything about abortion procedures and then... overheard her mother talking with her friends about having an abortion because of her circumstances. This image popped into her mind because of something she saw on the Babylon Bee. Every image that followed used the same template, with varying messages.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #0)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

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