About Miriam

Born in the early 90’s, Miriam is joyfully married to her beloved Elias with whom she has had three children. Having had an abortion in her teen years after being raped she became deeply distraught and sought out loving counsel to help her heal from her own trauma and from the violence she did to her unborn child. This is a long journey but one she is navigating one day at a time. 

Miriam is grateful for her husband, counselor, pastor and spiritual director for surrounding her in an atmosphere of tender compassion, forgiveness, absolution and gentle guidance. Because of experiencing such a loving environment, she is now flourishing with a Masters in Historical Studies from Princeton University and is currently working on her dissertation. 

She is often baffled by women who claim that pro-lifers are just religious fanatics who don't care about expecting moms in dire circumstances or women who have already had an abortion and are suffering from the trauma. She is barely religious for one and yet she is running this website. She experienced love and was offered support by the pro-life community both before and after her abortion experience. Doing the slightest amount of actual research, she found that resources for those in crisis pregnancies and those who've experienced the trauma of abortion can be found around the globe. 

Stumbling upon the Vulgar Buzz website in 2023 only weeks before it disappeared, she was both triggered and intrigued. Saving all the images she could find she began using her InDesign skills to create her own versions for more sensitive souls; images that could shine a light on the illogic of Mordor without the lash of its cruel tongue.

Miriam has a mother’s heart and feels she channels the love of God’s mother Mary in some strange way. As she has encountered devout and loving Catholics in pro-life circles she has learned about her namesake's heroic, brave and open heart and her deeds of love and compassion in the face of dire circumstances. She wants to be a mom like that.

As such a mother she isn’t bothered by changing smelly diapers and a little dirt. She won’t throw the baby out because it made a mess in its pants, but she will clean it up and listen to it and converse with it in its own way. She is adept at translating harsh infantile expressions into the common tongue for everyone’s benefit.

Miriam can be contacted in the web form to the right (phone users, click on 'View web version' below and it will appear) and she will consider your comments for publication on any of her blog posts in the Diaper Change section.