(Jump to Chat 1, Chat 2, Chat 3, Chat 4, Chat 5, Chat 6, Chat 7)
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What happens when a Rape Survivor collaborates with an Abortion Survivor as they strive for healing and recovery? |
Hi, I'm Miriam. I was sexually molested and had an abortion in my teenage years.
Ms. Vulgar Buzz is an abortion survivor.
We have both had our share of trauma.
Our unlikely collaboration began when I discovered TheVulgarBuzz.com in 2023. I was intrigued because of my own experience. Read more about that in our fourth phone chat transcription here.
My girlfriends and I developed "What Would Female Fetuses Say?" (WWFFS.net) in September of 2024 as a result of pondering Ms. Vulgar Buzz's work for several months.
The Vulgar Buzz site disappeared in fall of 2023 and though we had tried to reach out to the site creator many times, she had covered her tracks well. We never connected. Until...
In December of 2024 we realized that 'TheVulgarBuzz.com' domain was available and we immediately bought it and pointed it to one of our web pages (Who Wuzz Vulgar Buzz?).
Within 24 hours we had received an email from Ms. Vulgar Buzz herself. Read more about that here.
After exchanging a few emails we realized we needed to chat on the phone. We both agreed that it would be a good idea to record it, transcribe it and post it for all to see. We posted our first conversation here and below you will see our sixth conversation.
(Jump to Chat 1, Chat 2, Chat 3, Chat 4, Chat 5, Chat 6, Chat 7)
Miriam and Buzz Have Their Sixth Chat on the Phone
In this chat Miriam and Buzz discuss how Buzz got into the frame of mind needed to create the messages in the Vulgar Buzz Original images (VBO's). They also discussed whether it is ever justifiable to use vulgarity to expose lies and express truth.
(Recorded and transcribed February 13, 2025)
Miriam: Hello Buzz!
Buzz: Hello my friend
Miriam: How are you and your family doing?
Buzz: Very well, yours?
Miriam: Normal stuff, colds, flu, school stuff, ya know, family life, but doing pretty good through it all.
Buzz: Glad to hear it!
Miriam: Sooo… since our last chat our emails have been kind of leaning toward how you came up with all the content for your images…
Buzz: Yes, well, our chats and some of your site pages touch on it briefly, but you seem interested to get a better idea of how that all worked in my mind… back when I was producing all those punchy messages for our fetal Derry girl to put on her signs…
Miriam: Yeah, I mean, you had to get your head in the right zone I suppose…
"I imagined what it would have been like to have heard my mother conversing with people about what she was thinking of doing…"
Buzz: Yes, well, for me, you know my story… it wasn’t that difficult to move into a defensive mode… once there it was easy to…, as you put it so well on the diaper change pages, “utter crass vulgarities under dire duress”. Since I already had the spark of the Babylon Bee image, I only had to imagine what my own fetal experience would have been like had I been fully conscious and equipped with Michelle the Derry Girl’s vocabulary. I imagined what it would have been like to have heard my mother conversing with people about what she was thinking of doing… <pause>
Miriam: Buzz, are you ok?
Buzz: Yeah… <deep shuddering breaths> yeah, … it’s just that this still gets to me sometimes… <pause>
Miriam: Buzz… we don’t have to …
Buzz: No.. I’m … I’m ok, just needed a moment to regroup there…. Ok…
Miriam: Are you sure?…
Buzz: Yeah… I’m good. Miriam this is important to get out there. We need to talk about this and get it out there for people to consider this trauma … if it helps a single person it will be more than worth it.
Miriam: Ok, take your time…
Buzz: Well, imagining my own late term induced abortion where I was delivered intact was one thing… then I started imagining other more brutal methods involving forceps, crushing skulls, tearing off limbs… it was pretty easy to get really pissed off then and virtually no words were off limits… the gloves were off and I was ready to pound faces with my bare fists… or at least throw out a few crass vulgarities expressing my dire duress… a vulnerable female fetus is never given a chance to speak… millions of us have been murdered annually and by God I was going to let them have it.. I was going to hit back for the sake of those millions….
Miriam: So.. you are IN THE ZONE at this point…
"I AM that little female fetus who is completely cognizant, has an adequate vocabulary, understands the various methods of induced abortion, fully realizes that she is a potential recipient of this horror …"
Buzz: Yeah, and I pretty much stayed there for weeks… I AM that little female fetus who is completely cognizant, has an adequate vocabulary, understands the various methods of induced abortion, fully realizes that she is a potential recipient of this horror … and so on… my therapist encouraged me to stay in that mode for a while, sit with it, avoid trying to pretty it up in any way…. And then to let it all out, all the rage, all the pain, get it out of my system…
Miriam: And she encouraged you to use your graphic design skills to aid you in this…
Buzz: Yes, I’d shown her some of my InDesign work… she thought it would help engage both sides of my brain…
Miriam: And it most certainly did…
Buzz: Yeah, I guess it did… but part of me was feeling a little bit guilty about it… I mean, I wondered if it was something Jesus would do…
Miriam: Ahhh… here is where WWJD [What Would Jesus Do?] meets up with WWFFS [What Would Female Fetuses Say?] and WWMSU [What Would Michelle Say in Utero?], right?
Buzz: Right.
Miriam: So what were you feeling and thinking about that back then... and... and also more recently?
Buzz: Well, yeah… I had thought about that and still do quite a bit… I’m not exactly sure you know… I mean, Jesus cleansed the temple with a whip…. He was pissed off because that space was supposed to be reserved for outsiders, non-Jews to worship God. Another time, he practically told the Pharisees they were full of shit… I mean dead man’s bones and all other manner of uncleanliness… he didn’t really mince words… but yeah, I don’t know…
Miriam: Yeah, you were and still are a bit conflicted, that is completely understandable…
Buzz: Yeah, ya know, his ultimate power play was to absorb all the world’s sickness, hate, venom, violence… all the evil.. past present and future… into himself, … swallow it up in his infinite divine mercy… that is what the cross is about partly at least… in the end he didn’t curse at us but prayed ‘Fathers forgive them, they know not what they do’… one time he saw the crowds and he ‘had compassion on them for they were like sheep without a shepherd’ …
Miriam: True….
Buzz: But then he totally kicked ass and took names in the abode of the dead… dang I hope crazy Mel actually makes that movie…
Miriam: What movie?
Buzz: Part two of the 'Passion of the Christ'... I think it is going to be called ‘The Resurrection of the Christ’… he says it will be like an acid trip… Jesus kicking ass in hades, rescuing souls from the abode of the dead… in essence, tearing hell a new one.
Miriam: Wow, I didn’t know about any plans for that!
Buzz: Rumors are the script is already written and James Caviezel is planning on playing the part of Jesus in the netherworld…
Miriam: I can’t even imagine that on screen!
Buzz: Early Christians had many passion plays depicting this that would be acted out during passion week in the first few centuries AD…
Miriam: Hmmm... I've heard rumors of that and seen Icons of it, I have one on my phone... wait I'll show you, let me text it to you... <text swoosh>
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Jesus ripping death and hell a new one. |
Miriam: Well, as you might imagine, before my girlfriends and I embarked on the WWFFS project, we gave this a LOT of thought. Do you mind if I share some of that... it relates directly to what you're feeling...
"...I've chosen to see your VBO's differently. I see them as the final release of all the pent up cries of anguish of all the murdered unborn. They are 'Rachel weeping and refusing to be comforted, because her children are no more' during Herod's slaughter of the innocents..."
Buzz: Yeah, true enough. I guess I’ll just hope for his mercy if I’m wrong about it all… I just knew I couldn’t say or do nothing… back when I was creating the images... and even now through what you and your girlfriends are doing… thanks again for that… you are such good friends... you’re truly doing amazing work here.
Miriam: You’re welcome Buzz… we feel compelled to continue this work at least for now. God only knows who it might help.
Buzz: Honestly, that is the only reason to continue, in hopes that a single soul might be helped… and maybe even more… I see we’ve passed the 20,000 hit mark… people are seeing it on a small scale at least… any feedback via comments or email?
Miriam: Not yet… just conversations with concerned friends who vary vastly in their opinions on the approach we are taking… and I don’t let too many people even know what I’m doing really … I don’t have time to get caught up into that right now…
Buzz: Yeah, being a Mom and pursuing a doctorate and being married, that is a full plate sister!
Miriam: Speaking of which, I should get going Buzz. This has been a wonderful chat, thanks for being willing to talk about all this.
Buzz: Not easy but I think worth it, right?
Miriam: Right! Until next time…
Buzz: B-bye!
Our friend and guardian created this business card that leads directly to our phone chats. Feel free to print up and distribute as many as you'd like! Pretty cool fan art I'd say!
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This is what the business card front and back look like. Use the link below to get the file your local print shop will need to make these cards. |
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