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What happens when a Rape Survivor collaborates with an Abortion Survivor as they strive for healing and recovery? |
Hi, I'm Miriam. I was sexually molested and had an abortion in my teenage years.
Ms. Vulgar Buzz is an abortion survivor.
We have both had our share of trauma.
Our unlikely collaboration began when I discovered TheVulgarBuzz.com in 2023. I was intrigued because of my own experience. Read more about that in our fourth phone chat transcription here.
My girlfriends and I developed "What Would Female Fetuses Say?" (WWFFS.net) in September of 2024 as a result of pondering Ms. Vulgar Buzz's work for several months.
The Vulgar Buzz site disappeared in fall of 2023 and though we had tried to reach out to the site creator many times, she had covered her tracks well. We never connected. Until...
In December of 2024 we realized that 'TheVulgarBuzz.com' domain was available and we immediately bought it and pointed it to one of our web pages (Who Wuzz Vulgar Buzz?).
Within 24 hours we had received an email from Ms. Vulgar Buzz herself. Read more about that here.
After exchanging a few emails we realized we needed to chat on the phone. We both agreed that it would be a good idea to record it, transcribe it and post it for all to see. We posted our first conversation here and below you will see our fifth conversation.
(Jump to Chat 1, Chat 2, Chat 3, Chat 4, Chat 5, Chat 6, Chat 7)
Miriam and Buzz Have Their Fifth Chat on the Phone
In this chat Miriam and Buzz discuss a previously unreleased Vulgar Buzz Original image. They take a deep dive into the entire idea that a profound truth is often applicable in much bigger ways than the original author of that truth intended. Dr. Seuss placed such a truth onto the lips of everyone's favorite elephant, Horton.
(Recorded and transcribed January 29, 2025)
Buzz: Hello again Miriam!
Miriam: Hello Buzz!
Buzz: I understand you need a breather from your research…
Miriam: Yes indeed, been going hard on the dissertation since our last chat.
Buzz: BUZZ to the rescue!!!
Miriam: Peerrrfect! hahah… soooo…. What you mentioned about children’s literature in your email really resonated with me and I thought it would be a good change of pace for me at least to chat about it.
Buzz: Fantastic! Yes. I want to get to that but first, tell me about your dissertation.
Miriam: Well, I don’t want to bore you with all that here, tell you what, I’ll email you my draft abstract later today. Ok?
Buzz: Fair enough… so … I was raised in a family that loved to read, so I was exposed to some really good books growing up.
Miriam: Yes I was fortunate enough to have a similar experience…
Buzz: Good, so we may have been exposed to some of the same authors, like Dr. Seuss for example or Roald Dahl or C.S. Lewis… J.K. Rowling of course…
Miriam: All of the above, loved them all… and some of the new audible releases of these are just ridiculously well produced and fun to listen to! <chuckling>
Buzz: Oh my God YESSS!!! Kate Winslet simply nails Matilda, it is just the BEST!!
Miriam: Agreed…
Buzz: Anyway, I bring it up because one of my VBOs kind of plays off a Dr. Seuss quote from “Horton Hears a Who”… I’ll send it to you later if you want to add it…
Miriam: Please and thank you!
Buzz: Ok, well, you know that Theodore Seuss Geisel wrote the ‘Horton Hears a Who’ story to validate people who are small of stature or perhaps seemingly of little consequence in the grand scheme of worldly affairs.
Miriam: Yes, I am familiar with Dr. Seuss’ background, including some of the not so kind things he had created. He was into political cartoon creation before he was into writing Children’s books, right?
Buzz: Sort of… he actually published Children’s books from the late 1930s through his elderly years, but the political cartoons and ads were mostly published from the late 20s through the early 40s…. Sending you one right now.
Miriam: <receiving image via text> WOW!
Buzz: Right?!… I have “Dr. Seuss Goes to War” on my bookshelf… and yes, some of those cartoons reveal that he was anti-Japanese right along with a ton of other US citizens after Pearl Harbor… until he had a change of heart… evidently after witnessing first hand the devastation of Japan by the atomic bombs. ‘Horton’ was published the year following his Japan visit, and some would say it was an apology and penance of sorts to the people of Japan for his earlier anti-Japanese work.
Miriam: Wow, I never knew that…
Buzz: Yep. That visit to Japan changed him… he wasn’t perfect towards people of other ethnicities either, but in many instances he stood against what he saw as blatantly racist.
Miriam: Yes I can see that in his work as a children’s author as well… the Sneetches for example, the stars were a blatant reference to the Star of David required to be worn by Jews in the Nazi Regime… with a twist of course… but the insanity of racism, specifically anti-semitism, was the message of that book, or at least a major theme… it could apply to a lot of things.
Buzz: DING! DING! DING! DING! You nailed where I’m going with all of this precisely: It could apply to a lot of things.
Miriam: Hey Buzz, not to stop you short, but regarding the anti-Japanese climate during WWII, have you ever seen “Little Boy”?
Buzz: No, why?
Miriam: Nothing better than that movie to bust open your heart and feel compassion for what Japanese Americans endured during that time.
Buzz: I’ll definitely check it out.
Miriam: Anyway, back to me nailing it, do I get a prize?
Buzz: Hahaha… you sure do! So, my image plays off of the key phrase from ‘Horton’ - “A person is a person no matter how small’… well, just a casual web search reveals that the pro-choice movement recoils at anyone using that phrase to bolster the pro-life movement. They rightly assert that it wasn’t aimed at the abortion issue…
Miriam: Of course, it wasn’t the big issue on everyone’s mind at the time. However, the truth of the phrase… the concept… like you said, could apply to a lot of things… and certainly to female fetuses as you have done… the most targeted humans for elimination on the planet… one might say “A Truth is a Truth No Matter How Tall”.
"...the truth of the phrase… the concept… like you said, could apply to a lot of things… and certainly to female fetuses as you have done… the most targeted humans for elimination on the planet… one might say “A Truth is a Truth No Matter How Tall”."
Buzz: Exactly… The point is that it doesn’t matter that Geisel didn’t aim “Horton Hears a Who” at the insanity of abortion does it? The same principle applies. Truth is truth no matter what the source…. And it kind of makes me barf that Geisel and his wife and the whole pro-choice camp get titchy about the story being ‘hi-jacked’ by the pro-life movement. If you don’t want the glaringly true principles in your stories being used to illustrate other dire situations, I suggest you don’t f-ing write stories with glaringly true principles! Seriously!!!
Miriam: Right, just stick to the banal and meaningless stories that challenge nothing and say nothing of importance.
Buzz: Yep. And this is where, for me at least, other stories rise up in my mind… take for example Dahl’s story of the ‘Big Friendly Giant’… another incredible Audible offering by the way…
Miriam: YES!! My kids and I love it.
Buzz: Well, we know Dahl was not a perfect man, and he most likely didn’t give two figs about the abortion issue, but his imagery of giants snatching children out of their beds and guzzling them down like popcorn is appropriate for times such as these, am I right? For that matter, any scary story of giants wreaking havoc on humanity fits our current situation, not just with the abortion issue, but many humanitarian issues today.
Miriam: Yes, but again, perspective is necessary here… all of the other humanitarian issues combined don’t come close to the 200,000 human lives violently ended each day by induced abortion…
"...all of the other humanitarian issues combined don’t come close to the 200,000 human lives violently ended each day by induced abortion…"
Buzz: Truth. TALL TRUTH my friend. Maybe humanity would pay more attention and gain perspective if the unborn were killed with guns, that seems to be their current obsession… even though global statistics report less than 1500 murders per day by gun… less than 2% of the violent deaths induced DAILY by abortion. Check out this t-shirt… <another image sent through texting>
Miriam: Once again, the insanely warped perspective of most people is overwhelming me, ughhhhh…
Buzz: Me too, and meanwhile giants continue to guzzle down children like popcorn…
Miriam: Hey Buzz, what did Sophie say to the BFG about saving today’s children?
Buzz: Just a second, lemme look it up in my Kindle… ok here’s the whole quote:
‘Tonight,’ Sophie said. ‘As soon as you’ve mixed the dream.’
‘Tonight?’ the BFG cried. ‘Why such a flushbunking flurry?’
‘If we can’t save tonight’s children, we can anyway save tomorrow’s,’ Sophie said.
Miriam: An excellent note to finish on!
Buzz: I completely agree!
Miriam: Enlightening as always Buzz!
Buzz: Why thank you lovely lady. Always nice to chat with somebody who gets it.
Miriam: Igualmente. Until next time!
Buzz: B-bye!
Our friend and guardian created this business card that leads directly to our phone chats. Feel free to print up and distribute as many as you'd like! Pretty cool fan art I'd say!
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This is what the business card front and back look like. Use the link below to get the file your local print shop will need to make these cards. |
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