
Call me Miriam.

I’m a thirty something Mom of three. When I stumbled upon the Vulgar Buzz website in mid 2023 (don’t go looking for it because it has completely vanished) I couldn’t help but be drawn in and repulsed at the same time. It was kind of like that first time you play ‘Cards Against Humanity’ and are shocked by its crass vulgarities but you somehow find it funny because it goes so ludicrously too far.

Such was my experience anyway. When I shared the images I’d gathered with my girlfriends, our guilty laughter and conversation led us to start this little website.

As for the images from the Vulgar Buzz, clearly they had been inspired by the Babylon Bee which is some of the best satire on the web. The Buzz simply took one of the Bee posts in a more Irish direction replete with stereotypical salty speech. Imagine Michelle the foul mouthed Derry Girl under immanent threat of death in utero and you’ll get the picture.

Vulgar Buzz was clearly inspired by the Babylon Bee

As we sat musing over these images we remembered how even Gandalf dared use the language of Mordor to make a point, in the house of Elrond no less. The modern equivalent would be a preacher peppering their pontificating with a string of f-bombs; a funny even if a bit jarring way to drive the truth home.

So for me these images are worthy of at least a comment or two for they not only ring true, they hit home personally. Of course, some folks probably don't need salty language to snap them out of hazy thinking, For this reason I was moved to employ my InDesign skills to craft some images that expose the illogic of Mordor without using its language. For myself, I wonder if such tactics would have helped clear my mind at that critical moment. 

As to why only female fetuses are given a voice here, this site is about female humans and their bodies. My mother’s heart goes out equally to all the tiny male humans being discarded like so much trash, but with the current climate of hate towards all things male, I thought that the voices of tiny females might actually be heard better. Apparently so did the Vulgar Buzz for not one of the dozens of images that I saved from their now defunct site gave voice to tiny male fetuses.

That is enough explanation of this site and how it all started. Each post will feature a Vulgar Buzz original (VBO) with my commentary and an alternate image I crafted. If any of this helps even one person to laugh and love all humans no matter their stage of development, their disabilities, their gender, their ethnicity, their dependencies or their economic status, it will have been worth it.
