About Our Darling Derry Girl

Michelle, the leader of the Derry Girl pack

Meet Michelle, the hilarious and foul-mouthed Derry Girl who seems to have inspired the Vulgar Buzz images, at least from what we can tell. If you haven't watched the Derry Girls, it is a treat. Michelle seems to steal the show every time she is in a scene.

One can imagine her under threat of certain and immanent death in the womb uttering many of the vulgarities that you see in each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) image. It is so easy to imagine that we call each VBO image a WWMSU (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?). We refer to her as "Our Darling Derry Girl". In her dire duress she asks legitimate questions and makes us laugh even when she goes too far. 

Even though some of these images pierce straight to the heart of my own experience, I still find myself leaning in to analyze with Michelle the ridiculous illogic of Mordor. With deft strokes she hacks away at layers of banality, erroneous reasoning, sophistry and utter nonsense. Even people like me who were once the target of Michelle's barbs need to grapple with our culture's non-stop disregard of tiny female humans (and tiny male humans as well).

Here's a thought, try asking yourself this: What would you say in utero if you knew violent death was possibly only hours away? Would you be calm and just say "Ok Mommy.. You know best…"?!?

We think not!

We at WWFFS think we would indeed utter a few expletives… and maybe deliver a well aimed and swift kick to the ribs of our mothers to make sure they heard us. We include the VBO/WWMSU images in the Diaper Change Section because I for one might have paused if I'd seen such vulgar and macabre humor before making my own decision to abort. Maybe there are others who will pause as well and make the more loving choice. 

Of course there are more sensitive and wounded souls out there who don't need cruel language to get the point. We have provided alternate images on each post for this very reason. These more palatable images are also available free to the you as pdf files for making physical cards at your local professional print shop. Please use your own funds to make them and don't sell them.

As long as the ideas of thoughtful feminists get through, we don't think it really matters which image works for you. Vulgar or not, if any image on this site exposes the ludicrous sophistry of Mordor for even one person, then it has all been worthwhile.