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What happens when a Rape Survivor collaborates with an Abortion Survivor as they strive for healing and recovery? |
Hi, I'm Miriam. I was sexually molested and had an abortion in my teenage years.
Ms. Vulgar Buzz is an abortion survivor.
We have both had our share of trauma.
Our unlikely collaboration began when I discovered TheVulgarBuzz.com in 2023. I was intrigued because of my own experience. Read more about that here.
My girlfriends and I developed "What Would Female Fetuses Say?" (WWFFS.net) in September of 2024 as a result of pondering Ms. Vulgar Buzz's work for several months.
The Vulgar Buzz site disappeared in fall of 2023 and though we had tried to reach out to the site creator many times, she had covered her tracks well. We never connected. Until...
In December of 2024 we realized that 'TheVulgarBuzz.com' domain was available and we immediately bought it and pointed it to one of our web pages (Who Wuzz Vulgar Buzz?).
Within 24 hours we had received an email from Ms. Vulgar Buzz herself. Read more about that here.
After exchanging a few emails we realized we needed to chat on the phone. We both agreed that it would be a good idea to record it, transcribe it and post it for all to see. We posted our first conversation here and below you will see our second conversation.
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Miriam and Buzz Have Their Second Chat on the Phone
In our second conversation we chatted about maintaining anonymity, Moana and the beebee drop among other things.
(Recorded and transcribed December 31, 2024)
Buzz: Hello again Miriam!
Miriam: Helloooo Buuuuzzz!!!
Buzz: Hoping you had a lovely Christmas!
Miriam: We did have a good one, never a dull moment with three kids, a dog and two cats in the house with us. Oh yeah, and my sister and her family and my Mom and Aunt. How was yours?
Buzz: Very good and yes our family is a zoo when we get together as well but I love it!
Miriam: So glad you had a good one! Hey, I was wondering since we last talked about the web domain you originally chose: TheVulgarBuzz.com… how’d you come up with that?
Buzz: Well, I mentioned that I love the Babylon Bee and it was kind of a silly salute to that I suppose.
Miriam: Yeah we kind of had a hunch but I didn’t want to assume.
Buzz: Hey, I have a question for you…
Miriam: Fire away!
Buzz: I managed to stay anonymous on the web, and I appreciate you honoring my request to stay that way. But how are you and your friends ensuring your anonymity? You look like you’re in it for the long haul, unlike my site which was short lived.
"...we truly have no desire to be known nor do we really have time between careers and family life to engage people in public debate, interviews or the like. Our goal is rather to expose as many forms of the banal sophistry around this issue as we can within the limited scope we have chosen."
Buzz: That’s good, sounds like you’ve all thought it through a bit and I’ll pray that God protects you from any backlash.
Miriam: Thanks Buzz!
Buzz: You’re welcome.
Miriam: So, I think I mentioned in my last email that my girlfriends and I have been chatting about the first Moana film together. Just yesterday we did a deep dive on some of the more intense scenes and we are thinking we see some deep realities there that very much apply to our shared trauma… wait, have you seen the movie?
Buzz: Yes, it is a favorite of mine and we are going to see the new one soon.
Miriam: Us too! So what strikes you about the movie? I mean, before I sully your thoughts with our take on it, I kind of wanted to hear what you think, if you don’t mind.
Buzz: Alright, well, hmmm… since you mentioned it in your email, I was thinking about the strong female lead which is the theme of so many recent movies. Long overdue in my opinion. However, the female that is the strongest in Moana is actually not Moana but the life giving goddess gone rogue and she is really quite scary. I really think the easiest way to sum up her part is something like “Go ahead, tear the heart out of woman, just be warned it will release the lava monster within.”
Miriam: Yes, I think that theme was blatantly intentional. We found out in our googling that Te Kā is the lava monster that resolves back into Te Fiti after she gets her heart back. Check this out, we found this quote online… hang on… gotta find it… <pause>… ok, here it is:
“Why does Te Fiti become Te Kā?
The violence and aggression exhibited by Te Ka stem from the loss of her heart, which is the source of life and harmony for the island of Te Fiti. When the heart was stolen by Maui, it led to Te Fiti's transformation into Te Kā, causing her to become consumed by anger and pain.”
Miriam: I’m so glad to hear that, because my girlfriends and I were thinking that you’d really received some serious healing after I reviewed our first phone chat with them. Can you tell me more about that?
"...after my therapist helped me process things by suggesting the Vulgar Buzz website... after a bit I took that down... well after that, she started connecting me with other abortion survivors, and over time I started making personal connections with them..."
Miriam: For sure. ... So you’re slowly resolving back from Te Kā to Te Fiti is kind of what you’re saying. You’re no longer the volcano goddess.
Buzz: Right exactly and you know again it’s a process. I know I still have my moments where I just spout out but it’s less and less. I just see that there are more effective means when communicating with people face-to-face than screaming vulgarities and so yeah I don’t wanna be that volcano goddess anymore. I wanna be the most life-giving person that I can be ...and at the same time, though I just think that it’s really important for the rest of the world to see the extreme trauma and harm abortion and even attempted abortion causes.
"Sometimes it takes a bit of a shock to be snapped out of your way of thinking that you've held for so long and are just convinced that you're fighting for a noble cause when actually it turns out that there are humans being overlooked and horribly mistreated in the process."
Miriam: Agreed... it's affirming to know that I think maybe we’re on the same page on this. We just don’t know what God might do with it. We leave it up to him... you know... to use our tiny efforts in this whole battle for life that has been going on for virtually all of human existence, but greatly increased in the past several decades. What we’re doing by targeting and killing the unborn... it’s.... it so dwarfs anything that Hitler or Mussolini or anybody has ever done to exterminate a certain population or at least drastically reduce a certain population... it’s so far more drastic than anything humanity has ever done before...
Buzz: No, what’s that?
Miriam: just a sec. Lemme find it on the web and play it for you over the phone…
[Miriam plays the video below for Buzz]
Buzz: Holy shit! That, that is so disturbing!
Miriam: Yeah, castes it in a bit different light doesn’t it?
Buzz: Yes and yet you still get the pro-choice movement getting angry at being compared to Hitler when actually they are a thousand times worse.
Miriam: At least.
Buzz: Hey Miriam, my Mom is ringing in, I have to take this... I hate to end on something so dark, but...