Who Wuzz Vulgar Buzz?

What thoughtful feminist created the Vulgar Buzz Images?

We may never know. I certainly couldn’t figure it out when I was on their website in 2023 as they were very clever about covering their tracks. The site may only have been up for a few weeks and then it disappeared. Being a bit triggered because of my own experience with abortion, I’m glad I had the presence of mind to save the images while I was there so I could use them as food for thought and a guilty giggle with my girlfriends.

I do have some theories on who she is, however. There is no reason to think it couldn’t have come from some thoughtful feminists in Ireland, perhaps even Dublin. Perhaps it was aimed at famous public figures and their opinions on the matter. Liam Neeson, Bono, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris come to mind. Perhaps it was simply a fan of The Derry Girls imagining what Michelle (Jamie Lee O’Donnell) would say as a fetus under threat of imminent violent death. My girlfriends and I lean toward this last thought and that is why we subtitle every Vulgar Buzz Original image (VBO) with the acronym WWMSU (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?).

Whoever made these images had an axe to grind and they weren’t afraid to wield it once sharpened. Crass, vulgar and shocking as they may be, there are points worth considering in each image. After all that is the entire purpose of "What Would Female Fetuses Say?"; to allow others to employ the language of Mordor to forcefully expose the illogic of Mordor... then to transform it into a more civil tongue for sensitive souls... to change the diapers, do away with the stench and translate harsh infantile expressions into the common tongue like any mom would.