Saturday, October 26, 2024

Diaper Change #36 - JUST SHOOT ME!!

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #36 aka WWMSU #36)

Buzz sent me this image after our fifth phone chat, be sure to check that out for a deep dive. It was during that conversation where we noted the reality that most folks obsess over a tiny slice of the humans being violently killed daily. 200,000 tiny humans are murdered without a second thought while we obsess over less than 2% of that number killed by all other means including homicide by gun (which excludes acts of war which Buzz and I reference here.) Again, it is a simple matter of perspective. History is my field of study and I can tell you that nothing in known human history compares to this.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #36)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Diaper Change #35 - A Truth is a Truth No Matter How Tall

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #35 aka WWMSU #35)

This image was discussed thoroughly in our fifth phone chat with Buzz, be sure to check that out for a deep dive. As much as the Geisels and others protest the so-called 'hi-jacking' of the huge truths espoused by our beloved Horton, there is hardly a better place on this planet to aim that truth than the abortion issue. Again, it is a simple matter of perspective. History is my field of study and I can tell you that nothing in known human history compares to this.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #35)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Diaper Change #34 - Perspective

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #34 aka WWMSU #34)

The sheer contrast between the numbers of humans forcefully killed by abortion daily (200,000) and humans forcefully killed daily by every other means - excluding war but including murder by guns (1300) should be cause for alarm. Our society’s obsession over the latter and nonchalance towards the former is quite odd to me at least… and it seems as though Ms Vulgar Buzz would quite emphatically agree.

How can we continue to obsess over the 0.65% and casually dismiss the the 99.35% as irrelevant?

I was chatting with Ms. Buzz about this a day or two after a radicalized US Army Vet drove into a crowd of New Years Day revelers in New Orleans killing 14 and wounding 35. She said she had made this meme to slap some much needed perspective into the consciousness of all thoughtful people in the face of similar events in the past decade.

Less than 1% of the humans violently killed today will be at the hands of terrorists, gun toting gangsters, or any other person with murderous intent.

More than 99% of humans violently killed today will be at the hands of doctors who legally perform the killings with deft efficiency and focused regard for the safety of the women wishing to terminate their pregnancy.

Ms. Buzz commented further in our phone chat that there is a very plausible reason that there has been an uptick in mass murders in the last few decades. She proposes that there might be causation in the fact that 200,000 humans are killed and thrown away as trash daily, thus devaluing human life in general.

If human lives are that devalued and expendable would it not stand to reason that our entire world culture has become a culture of death?

If such a culture exists (and Ms Buzz and I think it does now more than ever before in human history) then why are we surprised at mass murders that mimic decades old video games produced by that culture (e.g. Death Race 2000)?

Honestly, what do we expect in such a global culture?

Of course there are those who conveniently dismiss the entire thought process above as coming from some right wing nut cases that just want to oppress female humans and their rights.

Perhaps here is where we need to remind those very folks that female fetuses are targeted for abortion more than males in many cultures.

So are fetuses of color.

So are fetuses with detectable disabilities.

Seems odd that we especially target female fetuses of color with disabilities for violent death in order to protect the rights of older females.

Strange indeed.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #34)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Diaper Change #33 - Geniuses

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #33 aka WWMSU #33)

The level of banality involved in pro-choice argumentation is sometimes truly beyond belief. Fetal Michelle (aka: Our Darling Derry Girl in Utero) brings that reality home here by pointing out how infuriatingly self defeating their reasoning is. Worse than the illogic of Mordor in my humble opinion.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #33)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Diaper Change #32 - Get Rid of It

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #32 aka WWMSU #32)

Too often a pregnancy is seen as the woman's problem; as something she is responsible for 'fixing'. Hell cannot burn hot enough for men with this attitude. Killing a vulnerable human is not the solution of course, (as I know all too well) but self-absorbed men (and sometimes women) can rarely see this.

In this incredibly difficult situation, much pressure and responsibility is put on the woman who feels terribly alone and vulnerable. Such things ought not to be. I am thankful that there are resources around the globe for women who wish to leave such men to protect their child and go in search of richer fare.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #32)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Diaper Change #31 - Fleeing Abuse and Incest

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #31 aka WWMSU #31)

Perhaps no other situation is as grave as when a woman feels trapped in an abusive relationship and finds herself pregnant from her abuser... and the worst scenario of abuse is when it is incestual. Fathers, uncles, cousins and brothers participate in this most distressing form of evil. I'll say it again, I don't really believe in capital punishment, but I'd be happy to make an exception for people who perpetrate such evil on a woman and her children. Hell can't burn hot enough for them. 

In my personal trauma, I experienced the reality that there are so many good people and organizations out there that want to help a woman protect herself and her children from harm. The key of course is not to give up hope that such a place exists. My heart goes out to every woman in such an evil plight.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #31)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Diaper Change #30 - Fleeing Abuse 3

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #30 aka WWMSU #30)

Perhaps no other situation is as grave as when a woman feels trapped in an abusive relationship and finds herself pregnant from her abuser. I'll say it again, I don't really believe in capital punishment, but I'd be happy to make an exception for people who perpetrate such evil on a woman and her children. Hell can't burn hot enough for them.

In my personal trauma, I experienced the reality that there are so many good people and organizations out there that want to help a woman protect herself and her children from harm. The key of course is not to give up hope that such a place exists. My heart goes out to every woman in such an evil plight.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #30)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Diaper Change #29 - Fleeing Abuse 2

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #29 aka WWMSU #29)

Perhaps no other situation is as grave as when a woman feels trapped in an abusive relationship and finds herself pregnant from her abuser. I'll say it again, I don't really believe in capital punishment, but I'd be happy to make an exception for people who perpetrate such evil on a woman and her children. Hell can't burn hot enough for them.

In my personal trauma, I experienced the reality that there are so many good people and organizations out there that want to help a woman protect herself and her children from harm. The key of course is not to give up hope that such a place exists. My heart goes out to every woman in such an evil plight.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #29)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Diaper Change #28 - Fleeing Abuse 1

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #28 aka WWMSU #28)

Perhaps no other situation is as grave as when a woman feels trapped in an abusive relationship and finds herself pregnant from her abuser. I'll say it again, I don't really believe in capital punishment, but I'd be happy to make an exception for people who perpetrate such evil on a woman and her children. Hell can't burn hot enough for them.

In my personal trauma, I experienced the reality that there are so many good people and organizations out there that want to help a woman protect herself and her children from harm. The key of course is not to give up hope that such a place exists. My heart goes out to every woman in such an evil plight. 

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #28)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Diaper Change #27 - The Worst Poverty

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #27 aka WWMSU #27)

Mother Theresa of Calcutta rightly pointed out that there are worse forms of poverty than living in wretched conditions with little food to eat. Far worse is the poverty of heart and soul that would lead one to violently take the life of another human... and the worst form of this is taking the life of the most vulnerable among us.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #27)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Diaper Change #26 - Safe Place to Die

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #26 aka WWMSU #26)

So many heroic women have rightly ignored the advice of misguided friends and physicians who urged them to end a pregnancy because the child has a condition which would make surviving outside the womb impossible. They would rather die than forcefully take the life of another human. Their desire to keep the child living in a warm, safe and loving environment until the end is beautifully following their natural motherly protective instincts. Too bad so many women are pushed into ignoring their own instincts to protect the vulnerable life within.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #26)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Diaper Change #25 - True Heroes

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #25 aka WWMSU #25)

So many heroic women have rightly ignored the advice of misguided friends and physicians who urged them to end a pregnancy for their own safety. They would rather die than take the life of another human. Such an open display of loving heroism should be lauded and praised by everyone, everywhere. Such heroism should be encouraged. Sadly it is not so much these days.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #25)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Diaper Change #24 - Strong Brave Mommas

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #24 aka WWMSU #24)

So many heroic women have rightly ignored the advice of misguided friends and physicians who urged them to end a pregnancy for their own safety. They would rather die than take the life of another human. Such an open display of loving heroism should be lauded and praised by everyone, everywhere. Such heroism should be encouraged. Sadly it is not so much these days.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #24)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Diaper Change #23 - Most Targeted Females

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #23 aka WWMSU #23)

As a female and a person of color I check two of these three boxes for most targeted humans in utero. Do your own research at the World Health Organization (WHO). You'll be able to learn for yourself that the most targeted humans on earth are fetal females of color with disabilities.  You can begin with this article on Gendercide and this one on targeting Down's Fetuses just for starters. The rabbit hole is deep, depressing and shockingly evil. Yet we are told it is only reasonable to eliminate them, seeing they'll be a drag on society and difficult to parent etc. Sounds a lot like Nazi rhetoric to me.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #23)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Diaper Change #22 - Ovarian Psycho Killers

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #22 aka WWMSU #22)

This is probably a response to banal memes and t-shirts emblazoned with "People without ovaries should not make laws for people with ovaries." Of course one's genitalia has nothing to do with whether or not they can write a just law. Some of the most powerful lawmakers that promote female humans killing other less developed female humans have ovaries. Kamala Harris for example.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #22)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Diaper Change #21 - Travel to Kill

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #21 aka WWMSU #21)

I vomit a little in my mouth every time I hear another interview of some poor women whining because she has to travel so far now to kill her child 'safely' in another state because it is illegal in her own state. The way thoughtless feminist journalists play on the emotions and employ sophistry should be held in check.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #21)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Diaper Change #20 - Worst Feminists Ever

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #20 aka WWMSU #20)

Obviously aimed at Biden and Harris, this is getting pretty pointed and personal, almost as much as getting torn limb from limb in the womb.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #20)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Diaper Change #19 - Famous Irish Folks

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #19 aka WWMSU #19)

Obviously aimed at Bono and Neeson. This is getting pretty pointed and personal, almost as much as getting torn limb from limb in the womb.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #19)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Diaper Change #18 - Targeting Disabilities

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #18 aka WWMSU #18)

Well, it isn't just the UK that targets female fetuses and fetuses with conditions like Down's Syndrome. Almost hard to believe but the facts don't lie. Check out this article on Gendercide and this one on targeting Down's Fetuses just for starters. The rabbit hole is deep, depressing and shockingly evil. Girls with Down's syndrome are some of the happiest and kind humans on the planet in my experience. Why would we want to eliminate such people?

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #18)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Diaper Change #17 - Legal Kill

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #17 aka WWMSU #17)

There are many unjust laws. The laws permitting abortion for almost any reason are just some of those unjust laws. The laws that say rape isn't a capital offense is another unjust law... perhaps it should be the ONLY capital offense!

Trust me, I get the trauma of being raped and then wanting to kill the child produced by that rape. I did it myself. But if maybe, just maybe if I'd seen these images I'd have reconsidered my choice. Maybe the voices given to these fetuses would have been jarring enough to snap me out of the common narrative espoused by thoughtless feminists around the globe.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #17)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Diaper Change #16 - Too Poor?

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #16 aka WWMSU #16)

An echo of VBO #13 this one also demonstrates that the entire argument about bringing another life into dire poverty crumbles when that life has a voice doesn't it? Better off dead or never born is the illogic of Mordor when confronted by a female fetus given the power of free speech.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #16)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Diaper Change #15 - Wrong Target

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #15 aka WWMSU #15)

Just like VBO #10, this one hits really close to home. As insensitive as this is to the plight of women violently treated like I was, I can only say from my own experience that I wish I'd seen an image like this before I made my choice to abort. As traumatized as I was, maybe something would have snapped inside me and I'd have realized that it wasn't my child's fault that their father was the absolute worst sort of violent human possible.

I don't really believe in the death penalty, but if all death penalties were one day outlawed I'd vote for people who rape to be the exception. Anyone who rapes anyone, no matter the gender of those raped or the gender of the perpetrator, should be sent into the afterlife to deal with God as quickly as due process allows. It is perhaps the most grievous evil on earth in my mind and I am NOT alone in that sentiment.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #15)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Diaper Change #14 - Clump of Cells?

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #14 aka WWMSU #14)

Classic na-na-na-na-boo-boo logic from the mind of a fetus. The logic is firm. We are all clumps of cells when you think about it. But unlike the strict brain-dead materialists so common to our era, most humans believe we are more than a bunch of atoms, quarks and gluons. We know it in our bones that we are some sort of mysterious combination of body and soul, hybrids as it were and that makes us unique on this planet anyway.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #14)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Diaper Change #13 - Starving

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #13 aka WWMSU #13)

The entire argument about bringing another life into dire poverty crumbles when that life has a voice doesn't it? Better off dead or never born is the illogic of Mordor when confronted by a female fetus given the power of free speech.

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #13)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Diaper Change #12 - Murder

A Note About Diaper Changes

A mother isn’t bothered by a messy diaper or a child covered in vomit. We clean them off, sometimes singing to them or tickling them along the way and then we send them off to play.

As such a mom, I’m treating each Vulgar Buzz Original (VBO) as a child with a dirty diaper. I’m not bothered much by its stench and refuse to ignore the child because it is smelly or in this case, uttering crass vulgarities under dire duress. By the way, VBOs are also known as WWMSU's (What Would Michelle Say in Utero?) to honor our often referenced and Darling Derry Girl.

The Dirty Diaper (VBO #12 aka WWMSU #12)

Another fair question. Any other time a human heart is stopped through violent intervention by another human it is called murder and prosecuted as such. Why this exception? 

The Clean Diaper (WWFFS #12)

It was pretty easy to find the image used by The Vulgar Buzz and then copy the style with InDesign to make the more civil language version above. It isn't important which image helps a person make a better choice, it only matters that the message hits home before it is too late for the most vulnerable humans in the world.